Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sorted by Topic

~ Index Sorted by Topic ~

~ Womanhood...

* Your Own Best Girlfriend
What's a Slut?
Dressing En Femme
Perception of Womankind
Don't Compare Yourself

~ Society, Culture...

* Pondering Men's Liberation
Breaking Out of the Box
Beware of Bubba
Poisonous Misogyny
You are Living Proof
Starting a Revolution

~ Trans Community...

* CD/TV/TS Labeling
A Positive Impression
Transwomen in the Media
AdaraBeth's Dream

~ Relationships...

* Be the Best of Both Worlds
Maturity is Key
Desperately Seeking

~ Personal Growth...

* What is Character?
Reinventing Oneself
Gender Euphoria
One Petal at a Time

~ Challenges...

* Decompression
Living in Shadows
Psychology 101
How Far You've Come
Rhenaiya the Brave

~ Inner Beauty...

* Passing the Test
Inner Beauty
The Truthgiver
Forgiveness is Golden
Alysyn the Wise
The Value of Honesty

~ Spirit of Gender...

* New Age Spirituality
Are Our Spirits Gendered?
Yin-Yang GenderEvolution
The Venus Transit Gift
11:11 on 11/11 of 11
Balancing Male and Female

~ My Journey...

* I Am Finally Home
Am I transgendered?
The Calling
Seeing You Come Alive
Our Family Bond
Love & Light From My Sisters

New Age Spirituality

Upon reflection, I came to the realization that I should clarify a few things. As explained in my Venus Transit post, I come from a background of eclectic spirituality. Having recently come into the transgender community, I am making linkages between my previous spiritual learning and human gender. I am beginning to write about these connections. Each step I take along this line of pondering has lead to the revelation of avenues not previously considered.

Our keynote at GenderEvolve is "improvement of societal perception of transgenderism". In order to make progress toward this goal, it will be necessary to find support from groups outside the TG community. The starting point was GLBT. Gaining the attention and acceptance of a wider scope of people is the only evolution from this point. The New Age community holds promise in this regard.

The New Age community is based on a movement which began in the 1970’s. Included here are people of all walks of life, heritage, religion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The community embraces the notion that there are many possible ways to be spiritually centered, there is no "one true way". Any type of love-based spirituality is welcomed by the New Age community.

Hence, there are a myriad of philosophies, theories, interpretations of spiritual information, both ancient and new. The New Age community does not include cults or heirarchical systems of righteous command. There are no "chosen ones", no human guru to kneel before, no need to send in your money. New Agers believe that spirituality is a personal choice, and it is up to each indivual to discern for themselves what feels right. The community is built on the premise of many possible paths to enlightenment. The one and only "rule" is love... the only step required for salvation of a human soul in the New Age is to live life from a loving perspective. Be kind, forgiving, accepting... listen to your heart, and strive to do what your heart tells you is "for the good of all and to harm none". How each person chooses to connect with God or their spirituality is a personal choice, subject only to the rule of love.

A huge number of free thinking open-minded people exist in the New Age community; people who are seeking a greater understanding and a more meaningful existence. Inherant to this genre are the type of people who would be most likely to accept, perhaps even embrace, transgenderism. We can apply the very same information the New Agers are already embracing, and applying it to transgenderism, thereby supporting a case that transgenderism is evolutionary.

If we can influence hundreds of thousands of New Agers outside the TG community to feel positively about transgenderism, the domino effect may follow. If transgendered people knew they would be welcomed en femme at New Age venues, greater social mobility would be enjoyed by the TG community. Transgendered people need not embrace New Age spirituality in order to benefit from greater acceptance, yet new horizons would open up on both sides.

The New Age community has global reach, is very diverse, and has a rapidlly growing presence which has been gaining momentum at an astonishing rate in the past 10-14 years. With influential support for gender self-expression now arising within the New Age community, yet still indirectly, the time to make this New Age / TG connection is NOW.

Continued pondering about my sudden involvement with the TG community (see my previous article "The Calling") has drawn me to the revelation that I have been called to write a book. I am to use the understanding brought by my life-long training in New Age spirituality to open a new door of acceptance for the Transgender community.

In this process, you at GenderEvolve will be the first to see my new writings as they arise. Some of the ideas presented may picque your interest, others may not. My intention is not to "convert" anyone in any way, as I completely honour your spiritual belief systems as a personal choice. If, on the other hand, this New Age information is something you would like to explore with me, your questions, comments, insights will be valued greatly. Never expected, yet always appreciated.

In addition to New Age sources, I will be actively seeking information from any established religious doctrines that can be interpreted to support a case for gender balance or self-expression (either within a person or within society at large). I am not too familiar with most of the traditional religions, so any suggestions in this area would be most welcome.

I just wanted to clarify my motivation for presenting New Age information in relation to transgenderism, in case any of you were wondering. Please don’t think I am trying to convince you of anything, or enforce a certain belief on anyone. Your beliefs are every bit as valid as mine or the next person’s... spirituality is a very personal choice which I fully respect.

Originally posted at:

Yin-Yang GenderEvolution

Felicia Conti got me to thinking when she recently sent out an email to the group entitled "The Yin and Yang of it all" in which she said: "I would say that the GenderEvolve group has both qualitative and quantitative mechanisms in place for evolving both the amount and quality of interaction of its members. It seems that quantitative research has more masculine, yang energy and that qualitative research has more feminine, yin energy, but that both are necessary for completeness."

Felicia's perspective mirrors my own. I see importance and benefit in both Yin and Yang energy, and constantly seek to combine them. The time has come to explore the connection between the Yin-Yang symbol and transgenderism.Feminine energy is attributed to Yin, and masculine attributed to Yang. Yin and Yang are interdependent and symbiotic, and can be used to describe all mutually exclusive set of opposites, including man and woman. One cannot thrive without the other. Neither is greater nor lesser than the other. Yin is attributed to the feminine energy and Yang to the masculine, and the widely accepted interpretation of Yin-Yang (appended below) can be restated as follows:

"Feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang) are opposite energies, which are interdependent, can be further subdivided, consume and support each other, and continuously transform into one another. Female exists within male and male exists within female."

It sounds pretty simple considering it has only been around a few thousand years. In our use of the Yin-Yang symbol, the suggestion is not that anyone should “convert” to Taoism, but rather, we are "borrowing" from ancient mystical wisdom applying it in a new arena.

The fifth and sixth principle of the traditional Yin-Yang definition are both auspicious for transgendered people:

"Female (Yin) and Male (Yang) can transform into eachother."


"There is some Boy (Yang) in every Girl (Yin) and some Girl (Yin) in every Boy (Yang)".

These are a few of the reasons why the Yin-Yang is an appropriate TG symbol. It is a symbol representing the harmony of balanced duality, and the meaning goes further to include all points on the spectrum in between. There is no such thing as "100% pure Yang" or "100% pure Yin", as each side must contain at least a grain or more of the other in order for any balance to exist. The entire spectrum of gender possibilities can be fully described by continual transforming flow of feminine/masculine energies in the Yin-Yang symbol.

Felicia further explained the relevance of Yin and Yang to society at large and how it may apply to GenderEvolve. She said, "There has been a long standing debate in the social sciences as to whether quantitative or qualitative research is the preferred method of choice. Similarly, in nature, there has been an historical debate as to whether the masculine (yang) energy or the feminine (yin) energy should govern a society. Qualitative research is yin. It is exploratory and inductive in nature and involves analysis of data such as words (e.g., from interviews), pictures (e.g., video), or objects (e.g., an article). Quantitative research is yang. It is confirmatory and deductive in nature and involves analysis of numerical data. Actually, neither type is superior and the thinking style of the researcher or the culture of the group is a key factor in determining preferred choice of research. It is likely be helpful to combine both qualitative (yin) and quantitative (yang) research."

Combining a balanced mix of Yin and Yang energies lends to a more comprehensive perspective. The ability to understand and experience both sides leads to wholeness and completion. By functioning through both energies we can live in the beautiful range in-between, exhibiting the strengths of both feminine and masculine.

GenderEvolve is a benevolent, philanthropic entity which is borne of a special blend of Yin (qualitative) and Yang (quantitative) initiatives and efforts. This approach will promote our rapid acceleration and growth, in a soft and gentle manner which consistently upholds the spirit of light and love.

We embrace the Yin-Yang symbol in celebration of gender duality and all points of the ever transforming flow in-between. Throughout most of history, Yang energy has been over-emphasized at the expense of Yin, leading to masculine domination of societies and lack of compassion among people. While we recognize both Yin and Yang as equally necessary, we seek to personify and manifest Yin more fully in our everyday lives. By upholding the feminine Yin-spirit, we seek to bring greater balance to ourselves and the world around us.

Lau Tsu, the father of Taoism, around 500 B.C. said it best: "Know the masculine, keep to the feminine."

A new day is dawning... humans are coming to recognize the truths of ancient wisdoms, the seeds of which have been within us for millennia. It is only in this New Age of transformation and acceptance that we are now discovering how the pieces of ourselves fit together so brilliantly.


Yin and Yang Defined-

1. Yin and yang are opposites.

Everything has its opposite—although this is never absolute, only comparative. No one thing is completely yin or completely yang. Each contains the seed of its opposite. For example, cold can turn into hot; "what goes up must come down".

2. Yin and yang are interdependent.

One cannot exist without the other. For example, day cannot exist without night.

3. Yin and yang can be further subdivided into yin and yang.

Any yin or yang aspect can be further subdivided into yin and yang. For example, temperature can be seen as either hot or cold. However, hot can be further divided into warm or burning; cold into cool or icy.

4. Yin and yang consume and support each other.

Yin and yang are usually held in balance—as one increases, the other decreases. However, imbalances can occur. There are four possible imbalances: Excess yin, excess yang, yin deficiency, yang deficiency.

5. Yin and yang can transform into one another.

At a particular stage, yin can transform into yang and vice versa. For example, night changes into day; warmth cools; life changes to death.

6. Part of yin is in yang and part of yang is in yin.

The dots in each serve as a reminder that there are always traces of one in the other. For example, there is always light within the dark (e.g., the stars at night), these qualities are never completely one or the other.


Love & Light From My T-Sisters

Since entering the Transgender community about 9 months ago, I have been deeply moved on a daily basis by the kind and loving words these beautiful people have blessed me with. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than to know that my energy makes a difference, great or small, in the lives of so many incredible souls.

When I received the amazing testamonials that Arianne collected for my bio page, I was touched beyond words. I was so inspired, that I revisited my online guestbooks and gathered the most uplifting comments I have received from the Trans community this past 9 months. I have combined testamonials and comments together on a page on GenderEvolve entitled "Blessings of Love & Light".

This page is living testament to show just how royally my sisters of GenderEvolve and all those in the Trans community have treated me. These kind, respectful people truly make me feel like a Queen, because they are gentle spirits with strong love for femininity and women. If anyone wonders or doubts what fulfillment I could be getting from my efforts with GE, they need only read this page...

These words spoken about me by my T-sisters are the *Pride & Joy* of my life. On this page you can see what I consider to be the most meaningful achievement of my 32 years on this earth. I will revisit this page daily, and dwell in the loving vibrations conveyed here.

I could spend the next 50 years devoting my life to pursuing my career in corporate finance, and never earn this type of regard from fellow human beings. When I pass from this earthly plane (in about 150 years /- a few ;) these are the vibrations I will take with me forever.

With every fibre of my being, my deepest gratitude belongs to my dear transgender sisters and best friends. For those of you women and men reading this who can see the transgender beauty that I can see, welcome to a brave new world where we can ALL transcend gender and just BE who we ARE!

With love and light,
Michle Anglique

The Venus Transit Gift

Last night I had an epiphany. I now understand "why". I will show you what I discovered, but first I must give you some background on where I am coming from in a spiritual sense.

I have always been a deeply spiritual person, never in the organized religion realm, but just in always "knowing" we are all here for a grand and magnificent purpose. My spiritual training began in my early childhood, around the age of 4-5. Although I was baptized Roman Catholic at the insistence of my grandparents, my parents were hippies, and thus were explorers of many belief systems outside the Christian/Catholic realm. We never practiced any form of ceremonial religion, it was always more in-depth discussions and pondering among ourselves. My early spirituality was more based on Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism and Metaphysics. Our spirituality never had a "label", my parents just borrowed from various schools of thought and applied them to our daily lives.

My dad passed away when I was 10, although his presence in the early formative years of my life made a huge impact. I never stopped seeking, questioning, expanding my consciousness in the spiritual sense. In my life I have studied a brilliant mosaic of spiritual teachings from all areas of the globe. It was only in 1997 at the age of 25 that I discovered a source of spiritual wisdom that originates from a non-human source.

A friend introduced me to the channeled material of an entity known as Kryon. Kryon is not a "god", nor does it represent a "religion"; it does not ask for your "belief" nor your "conversion". Kryon simply speaks of the way of the Universe and humanity's purpose therein. Kryon speaks to humans in pure love and reverence, never condemning, never judging. Kryon is comparable to a genderless angel whose message feels more authentic and divine than anything I've experienced previously. For those who need "proof", Kryon has already told us *in advance* of multitudes of scientific, archaelogical, geographical, astronomical changes and discoveries. Now, governments and the science community are even paying close attention to the Kryon work.Kryon first touched my life in 1997, and fundamentally changed ME, my understanding, my purpose. It is because of Kryon that my entire outlook on humanity was softened from one of confused distain, inner turmoil and anger, to one of celebration, acceptance and love. A new feeling of peace and belonging filled my essence, and has never left me.

Since 1992 when Kryon began its communication with humans, its teachings have become a paramount force in the New Age community. Kryon is in print worldwide, and has been hosted by the United Nations on four occasions to address the world community. Kryon has become integral to the New Age movement, which has rapidly grown over the past 20 years to now include tens if not hundreds of millions of people.

Kryon has changed millions of lives, and can be credited as the spiritual source behind my own involvement in GenderEvolve. I have always been what Kryon refers to as a "Lightworker", and upon discovering the transgender community, I am putting down roots and becoming a "Lighthouse". Finding a "cause" didn't surprise me really, but what was still confusing me and my family/friends was "why transgender?", why not "something else?".

Last night I read a Kryon channeling that I had not read before. It speaks of the Venus Transit, which is known to science as Venus retrograde. This is happening for the 8 year period between 2004-2012. Kryon explains the energy of the Venus transit, and after reading this, my involvement with the TG community makes sense to me now... and so will it make sense to the millions of New Age community, just as soon as they make the connection between the following Kryon words, and the TG community. This is something we can hang our hats on, and gain a huge pocket of support in the New Age community! Kryon, which has millions of supporters worldwide, celebrates transgendered people! This is huge!

What this means to US is that the energy of the world is right for tremendous change! Our message will ring true, will be heard loud and clear, and will be both embraced and celebrated. I now understand "why" the transgender cause has compelled me so intensely... it's because the time for change is NOW, this is the WINDOW, and I could instinctively FEEL it. It is no wonder that I as a lightworker heard THE CALLING! Other lightworkers like myself will also feel it! I now know my purpose here among you, and my inspiration has been brought to new heights.

It is in this light which I present to you the following excerpt from a Kryon channeling in regard to the Venus Transit. To visit Kryon on the web, go to ...


Excerpted from Kryon Summer Light Channeling, June 2004

"... Venus, who's known to have the energy of the Goddess of Love. It's not an accident that those in mythology named it this. In the mythology, the lover [Venus] disappears for a number of days [which you call the retrograde], while it transits between your planet Earth and the sun.

The energy being transmitted to this planet now, and for the next eight years, is a loving feminine balance of love. You're going to see a balance take place that you've never seen in your lifetime. It's a balance of both Gaia and the Human in a new way.

At the moment, your earth isn't balanced. It's masculine-heavy. This has nothing to do with your gender. There is masculine and feminine energy in every Human. No matter what your gender is, the most balanced man reading and hearing this is one who has the balance of the feminine and the masculine, equally. The most balanced woman listening and reading is the one who has the masculine and the feminine equally balanced in their lives.

You've grown up on a planet where the balance hasn't been equal, and where the masculine energy has far outweighed anything else. Now, due to your efforts, the consciousness changes on Earth. The beginning of this was the 11:11, then the 12:12, then the Concordance. Now the new window brings in the best yet! Because of the new path you took, it demanded the energy of the eight. The balance and the responsibility being delivered to this planet, therefore, is energy that will eventually balance this planet, masculine and feminine.

What a change this has the potential to make! Let me tell you, there will be those who will go crazy with this new potential. It doesn't fit them and it doesn't fit what they consider to be their reality. I'll make two statements, and both of them will be of the kind called "unbelievable."

(1) Masculine-heavy governments won't be able to exist on the planet.

(2) No masculine-heavy religion will be able to exist on this planet.

Neither one can be supported, and they won't make sense to a changing consciousness. They'll fall into the ashes of civilization. Remember that. I'll say it again before I'm done. This is the profound time we talked about that was coming.

The new news is that you're rewriting the masculine/feminine balance of this planet with the help of a new energy being delivered through the Venus Transit and the opening of this eight-year window."...


Originally posted at: