Our Family Bond

Over the past several months since starting GenderEvolve we have bonded, both as a group and individually. In addition to sharing friendship and trust, we have walked alongside one another’s personal journeys. Each of us has evolved as a result. Through this process of sharing thoughts and experiences, light is being shed where there was none before. We are collectively finding the words to define ourselves, our identities and our values. Through this unification of purpose and collective vision, we are working toward common goals. I feel our collective voice can only grow stronger every day. The work we are doing here at GenderEvolve is very special indeed… dare I say, evolutionary?
Since the beginning, I have felt connected to you. Our interactions have been enlightening, uplifting, quite often profound, intense and almost always very candid. Whether by virtual presence or in person, the connections among us have deepened to a degree where the only fitting description in my mind is “family”… and I mean the best kind of family. I feel as though you are my soul sisters, my kindred spirits, my loved ones… my family. When I openly and publicly express my love for you, individually or collectively, it is in this familial sense.In a world where we each feel so alone, we can turn to each other and be understood, be supported, and most importantly, be loved. We can laugh together, cry together, grow together… and in the process we are helping ourselves, each other, the TG community. Before too long, our voice will also reach beyond our little realm.
It is my hope that this very special family bond among us will continue to blossom and flourish for the rest of our natural lives, and then some. By reaching out to one another the bond is forged, which is the glue that holds us together. The stronger it becomes, the stronger we become, both individually and collectively.Bloodline does not make a family. Family is made in the heart, and based on unconditional love and acceptance. We already have these attributes among us, and we are only just beginning. I feel as though I’ve found my “place” in the grander scheme, and it’s with you, my family. Now that I’ve found you, I never want to lose you.
I am more contented and at peace with the direction of my life than I have ever been.Blessed be to you, my dearest spirit sisters… thank you.
Originally posted at: http://genderevolve.blogspot.com/2005/10/our-family-bond.html
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