Marlena the Swan

Marlena Dahlstrom, I am so proud of you honey! You've really come a long way, both in your outward appearance, and more importantly in your inner perspective. Beauty radiates from within, the outside result is just the icing on the cake. Since you feel beautiful, you are. This is a key element. I have always seen your potential, yet my seeing it is not enough. It is you who must see it, believe it, act upon it, and live it. It pleases me greatly that you are now doing so, and the results are yours to be enjoyed. Feminine beauty is an empowering feeling.
In order to allow oneself to be beautiful, it is necessary to cast off the chains of self-doubt about perceived "flaws". Instead, find what is beautiful and focus on that instead. Anyone can find at least one physical attribute about themself which is admittedly beautiful. Find some of those things in yourself, admire them, and praise them. Feel good about those points which you love about yourself, and endeavor to give those beautiful aspects their due credit. Trust that whatever "imperfections" you may have are not important, and will take care of themselves. They will fade away just as soon as you stop giving them your precious energy. Realize that focusing and fixating on flaws will only expand those flaws, and detract from the beauty that can be had, and vice-versa.
Marlena I see you moving in the right direction. Instead of feeling like an "ugly duckling" you have come to the realization that you are a beautiful swan. You are now looking around, seeing the potential, and thinking about stretching your wings a bit further. This is a profound time in your evolution, and I celebrate the fact that you have reached this point. This is not a conclusion, but a beginning... the beginning of your life as a swan.
As a swan, you now have a slightly different identity than you did as a duckling. You are now considering changing your name. A name resonates with a certain energy frequency, which is representative of the person to whom the name belongs. If your energy has changed, a different name may be more appropriate for you. Rather than seeking a name that represents who you think you are at the moment, choose a name that represents who you want to become. Don't be afraid to name yourself after someone who you admire.
Marlena it touches my heart to know that I helped you. Thank you for reaching out to me in the first place and asking the right questions. I want to help, though I avoid giving unsolicited advice, especially in matters of physical appearances. Someone would have to ask me, as you did, to enable me to help. Anyone else in the group who would like my advice on such matters need only ask.
I am looking forward with great anticipation to watching you blossom like a flower, in your new life as a swan.
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