Alysyn the Wise

Alysyn, thank you for sharing with us your touching letter to Jenny. I must object to your use of the word "foolish" in the title, as I do not see it that way at all.
You have in the past written about your life with Jenny, the ups and downs, the conflict, and the dissolution of your marriage. You conveyed a sense of frustration, slight bitterness, and perhaps a tinge of anger. These are normal human emotions given the challenging circumstances. How you deal with these emotions will determine the path of your evolution. What I read today has a different tone... one of forgiveness and unconditional love. How could this possibly be "foolish"?
The best possible thing you could do is forgive Jenny and those to whom she is related. Forgiveness is what is most needed for everyone concerned, particularly yourself. There is no benefit to holding on to old resentments, remembering past errors, questioning what has gone before. These dark energies will only eat away at you, causing regret, guilt, anger and sorrow.
By forgiving those who have wronged you, you release this poison from your soul and it can no longer haunt you after that.
Forgiveness is not always easy, especially in a case where many wrongs have been compounded over years. To truly forgive in such a situation requires setting aside the ego and obeying the heart instead. I see you doing this Aly, progressing toward the total forgiveness of Jenny. Once you accomplish this fully, a heavy burden in your heart will be lifted. You will then be free to love again.
Of love, do not regret that you continue to feel such for Jenny. She was a major player in your evolution, and it is appropriate to honour her with your ongoing love. Do not reprimand yourself for taking the high road, choosing love over hate. Consider Jenny one of your life teachers. She gave you many lessons, from which you are evolving. Because of the time you spent learning with her, you are better equipped to avoid the same pitfalls when the next true love of your life comes along.
Alysyn, you are transmuting challenges into wisdom, dark into light, because you have the strength to closely examine your feelings. Your post should instead be called "Ever so wise..."
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