Poisonous Misogyny

Misogyny a.k.a. woman hating is what we are fighting against. The ingrained, deep seated belief that women are inferior to men, and that for a man to be like a woman means he is also inferior. Even women crack the "sissy-whip", in other words, even women are subversively misogynous. The sad thing is, despite women's lib, bra burning, fighting for equality... women still don't "get" it yet. By rejecting femininity in males, we inadvertently promote gender discrimination. We admit to the world that women are inferior. We are our own worst enemies.
It's true, if a man (or boy) exhibits feminine characteristics, both men and women will challenge his masculinity. Shouldn't women recognize that men wanting to emulate us is a step in the right direction for true equality? A man striving to be like a woman discredits the premise that men are naturally superior... it shakes the foundation of culturally engrained gender roles. It's no surprise misogynous men are afraid of this phenomenon, but feminists should be 100% supportive of men aspiring to be like us. I say, it's about time!
What breaks my heart about misogyny is the effect it has on little boys... the way they are discouraged from displaying emotions, limited from experiencing empathy and compassion, not permitted to openly express their full nature. While the birthright of masculinity has historically been considered superior, to be a little boy forced to become a man in today's world can be a very high price to pay. When I speak of "men's liberation", it is in reference to the necessary emacipation from the confines of a little black box called misogyny.
Macho bravado and stereotypical manly attributes are poison to a human spirit born in a male body. To be rigourously confined as such would be slow death for many whose true essence spans a wider spectrum than just the male role. My heart breaks for men, living in chains, prisoners of societal conditioning, the guardians of which are largely themselves.
Ideally, human beings would be free to express themselves in whatever degree of male/female that suits them, without fear or judgement. I am confident that at some point in our lifetimes, society will look upon this transgender discrimination in a similar light as we now look upon slavery. It's backward and barbaric. It's time to evolve!
Originally posted in response to: http://genderevolve.blogspot.com/2005/10/misogyny-makes-man.html
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